Courses (Fall 2020):

(under construction,  subject to change due to the on-going pandemics. 

Will be following upcoming university scheduling and guideline…)

MTH 519 (Abstract Algebra).

Textbook: Abstract Algebra (3rd edition) by Dummit and Foote (available here). 

The course will have regular homework, midterms (tentative) and a formal final exam that covers the entire semester’s learning. This course is a core course for graduate students in algebra.

MTH 629 (Algebraic Number Theory).

Textbook and reading material:

Introductory Algebraic Number Theory by Alaca and Willliams (available here)

Algebraic Number Theory by Neukirch (available here). 

No final exam, but will have some regular homework assignments.  This course does not require any prerequisite other than basic abstract algebra. 

There are also books standing out for enjoyable reading for this course: for example, 

Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat’s Last Theorem (4th edition)

By Ian Stewart and David Tall (available here).