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Coffin & Gravedigger series

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Pinktoes  1961 = Mamie Mason

The Quality of Hurt :
The Autobiography of Chester Himes, The Early Years. 1972

Black on Black   1973

My Life As Absurdity :
The Autobiography of Chester Himes, Volume Two  1976

planB  1983

A Case for Rape  1985 = Une Affair de viol  1963


If He Hollers Let Him Go  1945

Lonely Crusade  1947

Cast the First Stone  1999 ( = Yesterday Will Make You Cry   1952)

The Third Generation  1954

The End of a Primitive  1955

Collected Stories 1933-77



Pinktoes  1961

Pinktoes," Chester Himes said, "is a term of indulgent affection applied to white women by Negro men, and sometimes conversely by Negro women to white men, but never adversely by either."

In this rowdy work of fiction that debunks self-satisfied do-gooders Himes satirizes social missionaries who preach uplift and promote specious causes. With Rabelaisian zest he portrays Mamie Mason, Harlem's most influential society matron, hosting desegregated sexual orgies, all for the advancement of harmony between the races.

Just as eager as Mamie to bask in the favorable light of social justice are liberal whites who wish to be seen amid the "right people." "It is intended," Himes said, "as a satire on middle-class Negroes and their white sponsors who used the Negro problem to rid themselves of other social neuroses. It has been written with good will and is not intended to offend gratuitously nor condemn any class of people for their perfectly natural behavior, given the occasion and catalyst and the opportunity."

Perhaps too audacious for U.S. publishers, Pinktoes was launched in Paris by Olympia Press in 1962. Three years later an American edition appeared.

The Quality of Hurt :
The Autobiography of Chester Himes,
The Early Years. 1972

Black on Black:


My Life As Absurdity :
The Autobiography of Chester Himes,
Volume Two  1976

A Case for Rape  1985

The work continues preoccupation with destructive elements of sexism and racism. The initial "facts": Mrs. Elizabeth Hancock Brissard, a white female, accompanied Scott Hamilton, a black male, to his hotel room at 3pm one Sunday. They were amicable after the end of an affair, and were now together to work out an arrangement on a novel that they had collaborated on (like Himes' unpublished novel The Golden Chalice written with Alva_). They were joined by three other black males. Later, Elizabeth's bruised body is found dead, and is discovered to have had sex 4 times in the past 12 hours. The faces of Hamilton and another are scratched and bloody.
After a summary trial, the four are convicted of rape and murder, and sentenced to life. It is the situation in which Black writer Roger Garrison enters with the interest of proving conspiratorial racism and improper police procedures. Yes, there is missing evidence.


