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Toomer Bibliography
This is the web page I hope you, the readers of A Jean Toomer Page, will find the most useful. |
These are the books and articles used in the construction of the biography of Jean Toomer. [9] can be found on the web. Please observe that references [2], [7], [11], [12], and [13] are in print, so order them from your local bookseller. The rest were in the university library.
[0]The student of Jean Toomer should consult with the Special Collections Library at Fisk University and at Yale's Beinwecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. But no real study of Toomer can exist in the absence of serious investigation in to the system of G. I. Gurdjieff.
[1] Rudolph Byrd - Jean Toomer's years
with Gurdjieff
[2] Arna Bontempts - Introduction to Cane
[3] Williams Stanley Braithwaite, The
Negro in Literature, Crisis 28, 1924: 209
[4] Toni Morrison, Review of Darwin Turner's
editing of uncollected and autobiographical writings of Jean Toomer
in The Wayward and the Seeking, New York Times Nook Reveiw,
[5] Kathleen Riordan Speeth - The Gurdjieff
[6] Beth McCorkle - The Gurdjieff Years
1929-1949: recollections of Louise March
[7] Langston Hughes - The Big Sea
[8] Henry Louis Gates - Figures in Black
[9] George Baker and Walter Driscoll - Gurdjieff
in America
[10] Fritz Peters - Gurdjieff Remembered
[11] Cynthia Earl Kerman and Richard Eldridge
- The Lives of Jean Toomer, a hunger for wholeness
[12] Robert B. Jones and Margery Toomer
Latimer - The Collected Poems of Jean Toomer
[13] William Patrick Patterson, Struggle
of the Magicians, Arete Communications, Publishers (1996).
[14] Paul Beekman Taylor - Shadows of Heaven:
Gurdjieff and Toomer (Samuel Wesier, York Beach Me. 1998)
[15] Charles Scruggs - Newly Discovered Articles
by Jean Toomer, Arizona Quarterly 51: 2 (Summer 1995).
[16] Barbara Foley - Jean Toomer's Washington
and the Politics of Class: From 'Blue Veins' to Seventh-Street
Rebels, Modern Fiction Studies 42 (Summer 1996), 289-321.
[17] Jean Toomer papers Yale.
By Jean Toomer, abridged - for more see The Lives of Jean Toomer Louisiana State University Press, 1987: Also note that Toomer edited the manuscript of and Toomer wrote all the dialogue in Waldo Frank's Holiday originally published jointly with Cane.
About Jean Toomer, abridged - for more see The Lives of Jean Toomer Louisiana State University Press, 1987:
Biographies of other folks containing additional information on Toomer
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